Yes, you are right. I just posted my story on substack about my 2 weeks locking through a few dozen locks on the Erie Canal in a 24' trawler with my husband. I'm 72. Hope to do it again in the next couple of years. I can't imagine just sitting around doing nothing.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

I'll look for it, Nancy. Good for you!!!

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Good for you Nancy. I know these locks, I grew up around them. So much baloney about growing older.

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Nancy, amazing. I can't wait to read about your adventure(s) in around Michigan. Even though I'm originally from New York, I have a fondness for Michigan -- I went to Michigan State University.

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Thanks so much. My husband went there also.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Julia, if you rafted the Salmon in July, you were in my back yard! We live on Panther Creek. I love in the summer, when we drive to Hwy93/North Fork and beyond, or drive to Colson Creek (have only been to Corn Creek once) watching the rafters who probably put in probably at Spring Creek or at Shoup and possibly go as far as down to Corn Creek. The Salmon River has really dropped the past 5 years, and with the mud slides 8/5/23, a result of the 2022 Moose Creek Fire (we were here that whole summer as it had moved from NFork to here and beyond 139K acres) there sure are some new sand bars that made a few areas of the river pretty interesting. I hope it was a great trip. It's been a warm summer here.

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Sep 15Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Wow. Ted is a rockstar!! And so are you!

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I adore you.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

Back atcha. You've been putting out some wonderful stuff lately. My Substack on Firefox has gone weird crazy the last few days...mebbe it's me...

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Thank you! Having a blast. ⚡️🌈⚡️

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I'm reading this in Seattle WA after traveling 3,000 miles from home by myself.I just turned 90 in August. I've been keeping up with my hosts, younger friends, doing a lot of walking and sightseeing. Definitely savoring with gratitude each moment of adventure . Thank you for your encouragement, Julia...you are an inspiration.

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Hello Again Julia, I have not lost track of yo— as you are a woman after my own heart. I love this piece, every bit. So much to unpack. I went to watch with my children (27,27, 29) their Grandmother person at the 'senior center' yesterday. She's at least 80. It was a Dolly Parton scene — so good. I hope to write about it.

It was incredible. I'm soon to be 67, actually next month.

I went to get on their mailing list. it was the directors last performance. They asked me if I want to direct.

I said, let's start with the newsletter. I have 0 experience, unless if you count directing all things visiable and invisible in the house - ah but who would count?

I do.

Thank you for this — I'm inspired.

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Julia, I love this post, and you are completely right: people should not allow age to keep them from things they are able to do. I'm looking forward to hearing about those with limitations who do not allow them to limit their activities. This rafting guide sounds like the real deal, and I personally would feel better with him as a guide than a person with much less experience.

Unfortunately, many really judge older people harshly, but the truth is that older people can work and play well. I've known far too many older people who aged themselves by being inactive and saying they were too old for such and such. I'm hoping to read a few of your articles. I'm sure they will be great!

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Thanks Julia. Wonderful as always!!! Question: Have you read Lifespan by David A Sinclair? I am guessing you have, but if not, I think you would enjoy it. Go well Julia.

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