We have to make it a mission to be healthy. It gives us our best shot at quality of life. Even people who are younger, I see those I went to school or work with who have not taken care of themselves, and even in late 20s early 30s some of them look bad. I refuse to end up the same. There is so much joy in ageing gracefully and still having the ability to do the things you want. A healthy person may have 1000 wishes, but a sick person only has 1. Thank you for the read.

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Yes! 💯 yes. At 65 I find that I don’t need to overdo those things that I need to do to be healthy and well. Just enough…then rest. And sleep. 🙏

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I go to sleep tonight no longer thinking I am in my sixties, but knowing I am in the Goddess years. What a gift!

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It was an amazing realization, Cherie. I am wallowing in those years right now.

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I wanted to heart this post 10 times.

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Thank you so much, Lou.

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What a lovely way to start your day -- those conversations with your good buddy.

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During some very horrible times for us both over the last three years, those talks were lifesavers, Jan. We are very fortunate to have each other and the other friends we also have. Those are our true treasures.

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