Love this -- and that quote from the reader who loves her pumpkin spice lattes stuck with me too. At this point in my life I'm so grateful to have a body that functions well and has good balance and resilience that I don't care what it would look like in a bikini. Nobody else does either (well, besides my husband, who thinks I look wonderful), and there is no danger of a bikini getting on my bod anyway. And while I'd love to lose 5 pounds, I recognize that's coming from my ego. On the whole, my body has been a much better friend to me than my ego, so body wins :-)

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Perfectly said, Jan. And that's the whole point.

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That is a very wise comment, and thank you for sharing it.💕

I f*cking HATE pumpkin anything. I was born on Canadian Thanksgiving (it’s in October) and loathed having pumpkin pie every year. Yuck.

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I used to love the smell. Now it's so cloying I despise it. Pumpkin spice dog food? WHAT? We don't know when to stop already.

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Odd thing. I woke up today thinking, among other things, of that poor lady, dead at her desk four days before anyone even looked in on her. What must have been her thoughts, getting up in the morning, to go and work in such a mean and joyless, soulless sh*t-hole of a place, minus contact, warmth, and even the common courtesies. She must have felt she had no choice. But when you cut loose or force the rhubarb, options have a way of making themselves visible. Life is too short. I just ate a pear. I shouldn't eat biscuits, but, should I say a mea culpa, I just ate a biscuit.

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I am a fan of the rare joys when there might be some unfortunate payback (for me the Starbucks sugar bomb) but there are so many ways to feel joy. We deserve it, Katie-Ellen.

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If we be not kind to ourselves, which is not the same as an excuse for limitless self indulgence, who else could trust to our kindness. I am 61. I became unwell with a mystery form of autoimmune arthritis at 30. I tried so many things, so many approaches, and in the end, could only treat it as a learning exercise. But as some doors closed, and I lost more and more mobility, and the pain never went away, other doors opened, that might never have occurred to me to open, and the world only got wider. Stranger, for sure, but vaster in every way. And for some kinds of freedom compromised, I gained others I could never have anticipated as a girl at school talking to a career advisor. Teaching, she said. Or marketing or museums. Well, I did those jobs too, first. Love your posts, Julia. I feel companioned.

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8 hrs agoLiked by JULIA HUBBEL

I’ve been grappling with this as well, wanting to be fit and attractive but also aware of enjoying life as well. I get very cranky when I deprive myself of cookies. I’ve been balancing, saying yes to treats but also to fitness stuff that I enjoy like hiking and yoga. And basically just being kinder to myself…that’s probably the best thing I can do as a writer and a human.

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It's a battle for me, too. I'd like to treat myself more often but right now, to get my numbers where they need to be, I've got to give up quite a few things and wait until after Silly Season to reintroduce them and see what I'm allowed. That said, part of my retraining is to think of treats as not just food, and boy is that a challenge. My mind goes straight to chocolate.

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8 hrs agoLiked by JULIA HUBBEL

Oh goodness, this one hit me. How many Septembers do I have left? How many Sunday night dinners? How many op-shopping trips with my Mum? This could not have come at a better time. No-one else thinks about my ever-expanding middle, why should I?! And my good health isn't contingent on thinner, there are myriad other things.

Spring in the southern hemisphere is a glorious burst of colour, which starts for me each day with a reminder on my phone at 6.00am that flashes: It's S*E*P*T*E*M*B*E*R! Just as a little pick me up at the start of the day! Each day is a reminder we are heading out of the cold and dark and into the warmth. I am just enjoying it day by day...

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I spent four wondrous years under the Southern Cross, and remember the feeling of joy in spring in the one month I expected to be pulling out the heavy boots. I came to love it. So I keep my awareness that not all of us are celebrating fall!

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Will be the same age next month. Good to recognize limitations and what helps us feel better, also. Love your writing. All so true, and my experience as well… and living in Texas, but not dwelling there!

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Thank you, Carol!

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I love fall, always been my favorite season because of the amazing colors, especially here in Oregon. The coast in the fall is also beautiful because there are fewer tourists and the weather can be unpredictable which I like.

I’m with you, pumpkin spice drinks are way too sweet, but candles, now that’s something I enjoy; bringing the smells of fall indoors.

Walking in fall is one of the many joys I revel in because of the full on sensory experience.

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Yesterday the coast was out of this world gorgeous.

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15 hrs agoLiked by JULIA HUBBEL

What a perfect stack! Thank you. I’m going to put the cream in my coffee and relax

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I did the same. As long as I mind my limits, that looks like self-love.

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I treat myself with a McDonalds coke when I am driving over one hour. I love the fizziness. Due to medication I take I can’t drink. I don’t like coffee. Everyone, everyone tells me it is bad for me, it will take years off my life. You mean the extra years I’ll be spending in a nursing home? No thank you. Extra large, regular coke, please.

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