Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL


I’m almost 74. When I went to buy my first car in 1974 the man who was selling the car to me had to sign the note for the financing! JC Penney offered me a “Young Modern” card with a $50 limit if my father would co-sign it. I had just returned from the Peace Corps and was shocked; I thought I was fully an adult. But not in the US apparently. Didn’t matter I was a single woman supporting myself. I was angry then and I’m angry now. I will not go back.

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exactly. Tired of full adults who are often wiser and more thoughtful than men being treated like toddlers because we have a uterus.

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CHEERING over here. Because you and I remember that as young women we COULDN'T GET A CREDIT CARD all by ourselves until 1974 without a male signing on. Young women think that's nuts — and it is, but it's a blink away in history. And now, those same young women have less rights over their own bodies than we did after 1973. We ALL have a huge stake in this election -- and I applaud your point that we must ditch the perfectionism in favor of the clear and crucial good. Your vote isn't a valentine letter, folks -- it's a chess move, a strategy to help build the kind of future you want for you, your kids, your grandkids, and onward.

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We cannot, will not repeat history. HIS story. Let's finally have HERs.

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Well said!

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Sen. Harris (to Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh): “Can you think of any law that gives the government the power to make decisions about the male body?”

Kavanaugh (looking confused and dumbfounded): “Um…I’m happy to answer, um, a more specific question.”

Sen. Harris: “Male vs female.”

Kavanaugh: “There are, um, medical procedures…I….”

Sen. Harris: “That the government has the power to make a decision about the man’s body?”

Kavanaugh: “I thought you were asking about medical procedures that are unique to men.”

Sen. Harris: “I’ll repeat the question. Can you think of any law that gives the government power to make decisions about the male body?”

Kavanaugh: “I’m not, uh, I’m not uh thinking of any right now Senator.”

Exclamation point. Drop the mic. Case Closed. Deal Sealed. This, the brief video clip it was taken from, should be a part of EVERY Harris/Walz ad campaign. this race is over if women turn out and vote for their rights. Men who know a woman, or are married to a woman, or had a woman as a mother, or has a daughter or granddaughter should vote likewise.


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Thank you and reposting.

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As always, direct, succinct, and no bullshit. I appreciate the info re: neotoddlerism. I never want to shut down legitimate concerns but you are 💯 correct that third party candidates and voters who abstain on principle could bring us the worst outcome. We’re old enough to remember Nader, and things are so much more dire now.

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Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Bravo!! I can't cheer loud enough to say I agree with you. Society is GOING BACKWARDS, and we need to get of the sidelines! I am 73, and not leaving the fight.

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Thanks Nancy. Me, neither .

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Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Beautifully said. I couldn't agree more. So disgusted that we have to keep fighting the same fights repeatedly and seem to be going backwards so quickly. I firmly believe that progress is always going to move forward, inevitably. And at the same time it's not going to happen in our lifetime window, or without our efforts. We have to be active in this process and not just bystanders expecting our hopes and dreams to be fulfilled. Writing about it loudly and superbly definitely helps the fight. Thank you.

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Julia, I'm not even American and I'll stand for this. Or take a knee. Or repost it wherever I can. Because I honestly can't even fathom what is being considered in your country. It's nuts.

Bravo for doing your large part in spreading awareness through your words.

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Maybe we take up ‘strident’ as a badge of honour- speaking up for what we believe.

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And so many of us!

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Strident and nasty 👍

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We women over 75 are the single largest voting block. And nothing to lose; it’s all gain. As Walz says, we can

Sleep when we are dead. Let’s leave it on the field.

My sign off to grandkids has become: “ make a plan to vote and tell me about it; make a party about it. Lemme know on the way. “

Really my only topic with them til they show me they get the message.

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Amen Marlene.

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Right on!!!

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Thanks for the pep talk. It does get tiresome, however. Two steps forward and three steps back, but I'm pumped to do whatever I can to move all of us forward.

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We can't afford to get tired. Evil counts on it

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Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Phyllis Schaffly, ughhh, I had forgotten about her. 🤢

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Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

She was truly wicked. How she could fight to force women to stay at home when she was an attorney with a long career in national defense matters is beyond me. It’s “Do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy.

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I have a single four letter word that I reserve for the absolute worst of females. I won’t use it here. But it applies.

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Sep 5Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Oh yeah.

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Aug 31Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Oh yeah

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Julia, this is a great call to action. I didn't know about female genital mutilation not being illegal in the United States. What horror.

Jimmy Carter wrote a great book: A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power. His thesis is that many of the world's problems would go away somewhat if women and children were treated as equals to men and not abused.

I'm so scared about what is happening to women in the U.S. right now. Our rights are being strippd away, one by one. That's why I've been donating to Kamala's campaign and will be votiing for her. The thing that gets me is that I don't understand why the race between Orange Man and Kamala is so close. It really boggles the mind.

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Sep 5Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

It’s close because there too many people with the IQ of a bowl of Fruit Loops and education to match.

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Sep 6Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

There ya go. As a for instance I am listening to the father of the 14 yr old who just killed 4 people and wounded 9 at his school with an automatic assault rifle that he has been teaching his son to use “on animals”. This 54 yr old Georgia male had an 11 th grade/ GED education. You know, there are just some facts about humans who are under-educated. people are not necessarily stupid if they are not educated, but they might be, and yet because this creep has a penis, he has more rights, more POWER and PRIVILEGE and he is more dangerous and he gets to be more dangerous, walking around on this planet, than a woman or any of the children who are threatened, and those are now dead because of him.

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I read up on some of that this morning. The mother has warrants out for her arrest as well. What a pair.

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Well said.

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That is so very true.

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Thank you!!!!! We outnumber them. Let’s get it together

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Never too old for this fight; just a little sick having to again and again.

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Thank you for writing this. It’s absolutely the truth.

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A few MAGA hat women disagreed. They need to turn in their uteruses.

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Sep 2Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

And this, in today's NYT. The issue of sexual consent, as the article concludes, has a lot, a lot, a lot of work to do.

France Confronts Horror of Rape and Drugging Case as 51 Men Go on Trial


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While I don't believe all men are evil, a great many are.

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