Jun 24Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

A beautiful message.

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Thank you, Kitty.

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Your posts never disappoint and are always relatable. What a talent that is, to touch others in this way. This: "I have fed the internal monsters which demand that I constantly prove my worth by working until I fall over." Oh this was just too relatable. How is it that I consider a day as "good" if I can say that it was "productive." The question at this phase of life seems to be how do we learn to "be" without the emphasis on "doing?" And I'm not suggesting that we stop doing, just that we change our focus and maybe the meaning of what "doing" is in our life. It's a quiet vigilance of practicing calm . . .

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Well done—we must take breaks to get to 2025!

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That we must, Diane.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 24Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Thank you Julia for shining a light on this! After years of overdoing, I've made it a spiritual practice to take time to rest during the day. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I meditate. Sometimes I take a walk in nature. It's a mini retreat from the noise of the world. My mornings are also filled with spiritual practices so that I can ease my way from the dream state into the task of the day. No emails or phone during that time. My body just can't push through anymore without exacting a high cost. There are few things worse than crashing after an overload of stress hormones.

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I find it ridiculous that I have to actively carve out time for myself during the day. Honestly. What is that, right? Nobody else will do it for me. I took a few hours today to work on my patio where the sword ferns badly needed trimming. It took me a while before I realized that it was past time for a break in the hot sun. Really now. Can we just put ourselves first once in a while? Still learning.

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I’ve struggled to find the right tag for you. Not sure if you’ve seen this yet: https://open.substack.com/pub/johnmoyermedlpcncc/p/the-gift-of-mistakes?r=3p5dh&utm_medium=ios

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I did see it and thanks for the mention!

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Such a good piece. Productivity hacks are an illusion, usually adopted by the people who, ironically, are already "productive." Productivity hacks are a straight line in a sine wave world. As humans, we have rhythms, most of which are unpredictable. At this age (same as you, @JuliaHubbel), I don't want to be productive. I want to be sane.

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I love that. This morning my dog is sitting behind me whining, LET’S GET OUT BEFORE IT GETS TOO HOT, inviting me to be both sane and happy. Productivity would demand that I keep sitting here typing away. Nope. We’re off.

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That said, I do like your typing immensely. But it can wait.

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That's most kind, John. I appreciate it.

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Great reminder to be mindful of the cultural conditioning.. . none of us will rue not working hard enough, on our death bed - quite the opposite. 🙏

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There are so many good books and articles about death bed regrets. Somehow not a single one of them mentions wishing they’d worked themselves harder!

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YES! Yes to all of this! I wish my husband could understand this more because he is that person who continues to run himself into the ground with work, yet always claims it's fine, he's fine. (he's not - he's clearly exhausted).

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Oh that’s a tough one. My last guy was so addicted to work that there was no time for anything but the occasional bedroom rendezvous. Long story but that’s what killed things. Work was his ONLY thing.

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Julia, WHOA, how astute can you be??? I am glad so many others feel the same way. Heck, I am 71 and I NEVER could keep up with the world, was tired even in my youth. Grinding away toward what??? I don't want "stuff" or power or influence or loud voice. I want fellowship with God and His Son, to be a conduit of God's love for the brokenhearted (including myself), to be a well of a moment of peace in the chaos. I never could keep up and I have no intention of starting. I am glad to be retired even though I still have to run to survive. Blessings for writing this piece!!! WEW

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Thanks so much Wendy. We all see this kind of thing through our own individual lenses, as we must, and I am glad it speaks to you. LIkely I won't run again any time soon, but I can sure hike, and I'll take it, especially with Mika the puppy!

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Julia, our dear animal friends are the best and certainly ease our way through life! WEW

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What you said about your trip really resonates with me. My hubby and I bought our first house and now that the weather is nicer, I've been outside cleaning out the flower beds and doing all sorts of gardening stuff. And I really enjoy it and have been preferring it to sitting at my computer.

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I had a hard time coming in off the patio tonight but had to do some stretches. I was watering a big slew of ferns, some of which will land in my yard eventually, and the green and sparkling drops were so lovely. It took me a long time to get here.

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Jun 21Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Great piece, and that dog is a keeper

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Yes she is!

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Jun 21Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

This resonates with me on so many levels. I’ve had so much family stress lately. I sat down & thought about it all - the divisiveness, the gaslighting, etc. And I decided - I’m not going to do this anymore. I am 73 years old. I’ve been through some very difficult times. I want peace & joy in my life. letting go. I’m not mad anymore. I’m not upset. I’m just “Done”.

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Jun 21Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Perfect timing with this post, Julia! I've been feeling quite overwhelmed lately, like every thing I'm doing is for some other end goal. Really looking to find a way to just be.

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This really needs to go viral (yes I realize the irony in saying that lol).

Last night, I went for a nature walk with my best friend and her new rescue mutt. The dogs ran themselves ragged and we, the humans, didn't even realize we'd been walking for over 90 minutes! It was such a breath of fresh air (literally) and full of laughter because of these dogs. I simply cannot think of a more wholesome way to spend an evening.

Amazing post, Julia!

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Someday when I become rich and famous (when I'm dead) I'll be remembered for the odd valuable article. Meanwhile I am SO glad to be back adventuring. Shit. What a journey.

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What's that saying about sliding into home base full of dust and saying "What a ride!"

I'm with you on that (although less adventurous)

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