Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Oh MY!! You are brave!

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Or stupid. Pick one!

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Feline faith is one of our superpowers, right?

A big beautiful life you have. Inspired.

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Thank you!

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I am flat-out jealous of that cheetah smooch. I have to wonder, though, how you explain to Big Bang when belly rub time is over . . .

And cheers on your incipient living redwood screen -- my favorite trees in the world. I miss them, here in Idaho.

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Bang is usually asleep, or almost asleep when I slip away. Tigers sleep a lot during the day so he was quite happy. I've worked on him several times.

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He sure looks like he enjoys it!

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Those cheetah photos are fierce! Love them! Always happy to meet another childless non-cat lady (I’m not a fan and highly allergic). I would make an exception for giant kitties like you did though!

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Thanks so much. I make exceptions for them indeed.

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What an amazing story. Every part of it. I love the tiger belly rub and the great smelling foot pads. I love your perseverance and commitment to a home that is challenging in more ways than one. I like be the kind of faith you ascribe to. And yes, go kick some Vance ass. I’m right behind you! I was terrified of house cats until I fell in love with one. I’ve had 5 cats over the last 32 years. Highly recommend. Especially when they come with puppies. I definitely fit the JDV definition. It’s a very good thing.

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If I could afford the vet bills I'd get something else as my pupper is dying for a buddy. Someday!

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"Nature has taught me to have faith." Nature teaches compassion and patience. It also teaches brutality and survival. As a kid (teenager) when the world was too much for me, when I felt like I would be crushed I'd drive out to the beach at night and sit alone on the sand watching the waves come in by moonlight. There was something so calming about being a tiny speck in a wild world. I went there to witness Nature's wildness during Hurricane Gloria as well. Standing and walking into the wind so strong, I needed to lean so deeply into it (or be knocked flat over), almost parallel to the ground, I could touch the boardwalk while still *standing* me standing in the wind. Cliff jumping. These things right me, center me. Not because of danger, but trust. Faith.

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That feels so true, Jodi. Growing up on a farm in Central Florida, we had hurricanes too, and spectacular storms. I am a speck, and a brief one at that. Something wonderful about that.

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You are one fearless and faithFULL cat lady!

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Thank you so much. There are days I most assuredly don't feel like one....

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Nice post. I am a lover of all things cat, and they have owned me for many years. They really act like their wild relatives. The cats you work with are beautiful. I don't think I'd be brave enough to touch them!

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If given a chance I'll bet you might!

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You are right! I'd love to give them a great big kiss.

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Lovely to read your beautiful story here Julia. It was indeed a serendipitous encounter today. Substack never fails to surprise me to find good old friends like you. I hope all is well.

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Dr. Y, I have reached out to you by email multiple times, commented on your Medium stories and more but never heard back. I figured you were too busy.

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Glad serendipitous events landed you with natural solutions for your rail,! (With the added bonus features re shelter ).

Indeed,*Trees Work in Wonderful Ways*


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The trees arrived yesterday and they get put in the ground tomorrow. I can’t wait!

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Sep 4Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. The second best time to plant one is today, lol!!

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Well, my lovely sequoias are secluded on my patio in the shade for a few weeks. We're in the middle of a heat wave and that's not good for them. So, they wait, and receive a personal shower every morning.

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Sep 4Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Meow. 😻

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Yeppirs. Their version is a touch more guttural.

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Your never to old as long as health is well . Anyone can do anything they want . Me I would like to feed JD couch to the lions lol . hugs and peace to you Julia

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I'm sure Big Bang would spit him out as rotten .Thanks!

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Too say the least lol. hugs and peace

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Heartfelt thanks Catherine!

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Love cats and hate HOAs. I have a picture of my 3 year old with a baby tiger - such a cool experience

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deletedSep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL
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Yeah, slightly less intimidating, too.

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