Jul 10Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Saying Yes for me is about art . During Covid I had half my bowel removed , my world was totally turned upside down . The operation was the least of my issues , I developed two frozen shoulders and chronic pain thst I have never experienced. I also became anaemic with hold ups on treatment due to Covid . Overnight I experienced old age as barely unable to climb stairs . After nearly a year the shoulders gradually wore off to then be thrown into chronic pain in my wrists and hands . I was a Reiki teacher before Covid and became interested in mind /body pain , very the last two years I have worked on unresolved grief and rage and nearly pain free . I started to teach myself Botanical Art about two years ago and although have come along in leaps and bounds I want and require some quality structure and tuition . So as I write I am hoping for a place with Edinburgh Royal Botanic certificate course . I have told myself Why not ? This is for me , finally after a life time of people pleasing This for me šŸ˜

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Iā€™d like to quote you Fiona, for another article. Please advise. Thanks so much and I am so sorry for your pain.

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No problem go ahead x

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Jul 10Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Saying yes for me has been about writing. All my life people have told me that I should write. Iā€™m halfway through a book called ā€œStaying Togetherā€. It is a books for couples to deepen their relationships. Beginning in 2017, my life took a sudden turn. I became gravely ill. Had emergency surgery, and things have gone downhill physically for me now to the degree I am 95% bed bound. I am still hopeful for a full recovery, yet have no idea how long the process will take. I turned 71 this year. Iā€™ve said ā€œno,Iā€™m not able to attendā€ to pretty much everything.

Writing has been my saving grace.

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May I quote you?

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Of course!

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that's very powerful. Writing saved me during some similarly dark years although not as bad as yours. I am making a comeback, for which I am deeply grateful. It's easy to forget that some options aren't available to many. Thanks for this.

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Writing saves many of us I suspect. Connecting with others here has been a balm

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Sometimes saying YES manifests in much less obviously dramatic ways -- I have come to recognize that in my own life, in which I will be a debut novelist - published -by - a biggie - traditional - publisher when I'm 73 -- feels quiet right now while I'm in the prep stages, but it's the result of a big honking YES that I said years ago. Thank you for the perspective!

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I love this, Jan. My adventure career came out of this. And so much more, when I finally decided to write a book, then another. The yesses get easier when we practice, as well as learning to say no to what doesn't work any more. Yay!

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