.. BlowAway Tale .. ! Takes a giant flyin leap right into the Running Collection from my Childhood to This Morning .. that’s my bottomless Orca level hunger for the Great Sportin Editorial STUFF.. that i maintain to have Baleen Whale capacity to hunt & filter & find.. this since my early daze of Sea Hunt, Cousteau, Jules Verne, the Angela Doria..

bye th bye i gots a question for you.. A previous post I wus floored by enchanted by was about the dude running the Safari .. the ‘frisky guides n .. well no spoilers from me ever eh !

My odd question ? What was the ‘substack response.. ie ‘Likes or ReStacks or Comments’ ? Shared it via Notes.. and periodically revisit to put that giant grin on my face.. and from my access point cannot see evidence of ‘response - This is an immediate FLAG for a spy from hypermedia - will tell you straight - aint on the warpath today - just ‘takin no prisoners today & BBQ’n Sacred Cow .. n that’s me ‘in a generous mood.. not even close to ‘gruntled … 🦎🏴‍☠️

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I'ts been a minute since I wrote, that, Thomas. I think a few folks weren't very impressed with the choices the women were making. Some were quite vocal.

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Will revisit - via the App .. (i must use the Web as App will not Sign me in Correctly)

Being specific though - Approx how many Likes or ReStacks or Comments ?

Am noting some Posts here with 150 Likes 50 Restacks & gushing Comments

that ain’t particularly impressive re any charitable perspective i can scratch up ..

.. So am lookin askance at some here - utilizing well deserved immediate ‘success & growing popularity - paying back by flooding Notes re their day to day wonderfullness & some of them embracing ‘tactical re-stacking’ of favourable or gushing Re-Stacks..’

.. am a tough crowd n takin no prisoners .. countin many coup this day eh !🦎🏴‍☠️🎬

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I have enormous respect and appreciation for all of the apex predators, sharks included. But I'm pretty sure if I were in that cage and saw that set of teeth coming at me, there'd be something way more gross than chum in the water.

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I came close. But I figure that's why we suit up in the toilet. Strong hint.

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