18 hrs agoLiked by JULIA HUBBEL

RE: “I believe we go on, whatever we are.”

Likewise, for me. I’ve had a few inexplicable, numinous experiences that arrived unbidden. The first one, a warning, was ignored; I learned a valuable lesson from not listening to the warning. When another, intuitive experience arrived, I paid attention. It changed the course of my career because I paid attention.

Were these intuitive nudges from my ancestors? From an abstract idea we call god? Yes & yes. I think. Of course I do not know with 100% certainty. Maybe someday, I will.

RE: “There’s no profit in a well body.”

So true. But why do we feel compelled to measure our individual and cultural worth by using $ and profit as the yardstick? I know that is what we are taught, directly and indirectly, and we absorb that lesson into every cell of our being. WHEN did that idea start (in historical terms)?

There must be a better way…NO JUDGMENT. NO comparison to others. Self-acceptance. Believing, at our core, that we have value.

Thanks for listening, Julia!

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Beautifully said, Linda, and as always thank you.

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