That was really good. I haven't read anything in a few years bc I've been so sad being alone. But your story made me smile.

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I so love your merciless honesty about your own adventurous foibles -- very comforting to a more timid spirit such as mine :-)

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Again warm thanks. I am timid in some areas myself.. just not this one!

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I can't wait to read the next installment of your trip! I've never been a camper but I did go horse camping once and even though I froze my ass off at night, years after my beloved equine soul mate's passing I often remember the spectacular experience we had together on the trails together, the views, the wildlife, his steadiness, and wading through rivers... I am so glad that I did something I never thought I would do because the memories will last a lifetime. (This was clearly a run-on sentence, apologies!)

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There’s a guy up in BC who does truly remarkable horse trips point to point in the wilderness. But for the hiking part, which beat up my feet, it was breathtaking. In July we woke up to frost inside the tents. I get it! Pls. check your DMs on here if you use them, otherwise I will text you.

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Just replied. I will say that the brandy I had presciently brought with me in a flask served me well during those freezing nights - along with Benadryl.

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My backup has been ultra heavy Icebreakers and desperate shivering.

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New Substack? "Adventures with Ants".

It seems to me that this is not the first time these creepy crawlers have gotten to you.


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When I wrote this story it occurred to me that among the stories shared so far, three of them have featured these little bad boys!

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I laughed a lot at this piece. I have had similar "luck" with setting up my tent. And then the ants. Omg. Those critters are the pits. But then there are mosquitoes and yellow jackets.... Thanks for your great stories.

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Sue, I think it takes age/experience to come to the point where it's funny as it happens. Surely people who do this for a living find their funny sooner- but dear heaven, the chance to laugh at ourselves!

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Jun 17Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Lol! This is SO relatable because I had an epically bad tent site on the last night of my Foothills Trail thru hike. I didn't discover it until the middle of the night, though, in the worst storm I've ever experienced! Thanks for helping keep things in perspective.

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These make the BEST stories, Erik bar none!

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Jun 17Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Not being the kind of “adventurer” you are, I nevertheless enjoyed reading this because, as you pointed out in the last paragraph and what I was thinking as I read this piece, the same is true of “life.” You’d better enjoy the process, because outcomes are fleeting and lead you to your next summit!

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One of my favorite memes off the Internet is a big tree with a sign on it that says NO You're NOT "Nearly There!" So very true Melinda!

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deletedJun 17Liked by JULIA HUBBEL
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My absolute best stories include massive fails. They are so humanizing and cause us to remember our frailty, as well as respect the elements. Thank you!

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