FASCINATING history (if also disheartening: racism had its way again, dammit). As for the adhesive on sanitary pads, they've at least gotten a bit less fierce than they used to be. I remember a day in college when I was having coffee with the guy I was just beginning to date. When it was time to head to class, I stood up suddenly and almost doubled over with a sudden stab of pain: my pad, correctly applied I might add, had somehow attached itself to a pubic hair that was in a particularly sensitive spot and was yanking on it in such as way as to make me happily spill state secrets. Somehow I kept from shrieking aloud and hobbled off to class, thinking perhaps there was a hornet in my pants, and leaving my boyfriend rather puzzled.

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I can RELATE. The torture we suffer....

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🙋🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Jun 30Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Great read, Julia. I gave up on pads early and used tampons (yes, I know about toxic shock and all that…). I had very heavy periods from the beginning and the pads weren’t sufficient for me: terrible leakage and mess.

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Jun 30Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Julia! I relate to this story on so many levels! Pads have ruled my life since I was 10....my hysterectomy was so very much desired and brought me freedom and relief that I probably wouldn't have realized if I had never been a woman . Now in the throws of menopause I am still being tortured by nature/my body. Aside from my own issues I love the story of Hepatia! I will research her even more if possible. Thank so much for sharing ❤️

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So says me too Francine.

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You bet Francine. It fascinates me what we can find when we start looking beyond the obvious.

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Jun 30Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

As always Julia I sit in admiration. I recently searched “Anne of Green Gables” as a friend was watching “Anne with an E” on Netflix. The original Anne had been sent by mistake to a brother and sister requesting male help from a local orphanage. Grateful for any help, there was no return to sender.

How does this have any bearing on your current essay? Anne from the original seven books was clever, energetic, and enthusiastic. When the brother died Anne doubled down in her efforts. A heartwarming tale, right? As this story came under consideration for a modern re-telling it was decided Anne suffered from ADHD (all her energetic behavior couldn’t be normal). Then they determined Anne was a lesbian (because she slept with the sister during brutal weather on Prince Edward Island, the original setting for the books). All that to portray Anns in a modern, updated manner. Weaken the central character because female.

So I just have to guess you have ADHD based of your urge to adventure all over the world, evidenced by today’s essay circumstances. I say that facetiously yet see how suppression of and interference with women’s “freedom of choice” is being rekindled around the world.

Thanks for your excellent essay to draw attention to the brutal discrimination and prejudice women of color have long endured. No true let up in sight. Time to denounce and call out the Project 2025 supporters. And to vote.

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Amen to all of this and thank you. We are always rewriting history and leaving out so many important facts and people. Thanks so much, Gary!

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