Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

I find it easier to make new friends since I retired at the age of 63 (72 now, close to 73). Numerous reasons for that ease. When you realize that your circle of acquaintances, family and close friends begin to shrink as we age, we cannot let *death* shrink us as the social beings we are.

We need others; others teach us “old dogs” and complete us. We need to reach out and expand the inevitable shrinking circle.

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So well put. I'm pushing outward right now, even as so many things keep me busy at home. With much of the construction done I want my neighbors to come over!

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Good article. I am 72 turning 73 in a couple of weeks. My husband and I do yoga and stretching exercises daily for the past 3 years. So very important to maintain flexibility. We also hike and kayak everyday the weather permits. I feel healthier now than I did 30 years ago. We hope we have another 10 years of doing the same.

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Absolutely the right investment! Thanks for sharing this.

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"Be the person who is kind because it’s the right thing to do, kind enough to yourself to exercise and eat well and move much and love hard, and kind enough to yourself to risk rejection by making new friends." Solid gold advice for anyone at any age. Also, respect your big toes! When I'm doing balance poses in yoga, I think of my papa toes as push pins, or better, as the upper end of roots that go deep into the earth. It really helps me to not wobble.

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We keep on going and doing what we can while we can to keep on going and doing what we can. We know the benefits of exercise, diet, sleep as contributors to health and wellness, along with friendships that stimulate thought and conversation. So pay attention to self care and enjoy a better older you. There are differences due to numerous factors so each of us needs a “program” that works for us.

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Thanks for this, Julia! You're words and experience is an inspiration to me!

I'm glad that you mention the article regarding the importance of flexibility. My fitness after 40 routine hones in on several key aspects, but near the top in terms of priority is strengthening my grip and becoming more flexible.

I incorporate deep stretching and rotational movements into my strength, endurance and cardio training, so I'm targeting flexibility during every single workout.

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That’s a terrific plan, Adam. I’ve got work to do too. It never ends and it’s such a kindness to ourselves.

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You’re hitting me right where I’m living right now, Julia. I don’t know how to say it any more succinctly than that.

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

I agree - I’m 67 and living alone this year for the first time in my life. Marriage ended 14 years ago, kids all on their own and sold the house and downsized to an apartment. I’m still working but planning my retirement in the next 2 years, but still I look around in puzzlement that ‘this is my life?’ I’ve lost so many friends and family thru politics and COVID and of course life in general and I need to find my community. This newsletter lets me know I’m not alone and gives me hope.

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May I quote you? This is so true for so many of us.

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Of course, we are fellow Oregonians!

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Or at least fellow travelers


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I'm in Eugene. Love me my Oregon.

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Sep 4Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Thank you for your sage article Julia. I am turning 70 in 5 months. I can feel body changes more than ever this year. I am excited at a goal to go hiking in Europe, Inn to Inn, next year. I’m glad I’ve found your work. You are an inspiration

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Oh my what a wonderful celebration!

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Julia, this is an excellent article and very inspirational. I do exercise regularly and try to eat as healthy as possible. Several of my doctors have said that a person should exercise 150 minutes a week, and when I accomplish that, I reward myself with a good-for-you sticker. Yes, it's very elementary school, but it makes me feel good to accomplish that goal. Although I now have an arthritic back, I work hard at making sure I am exercising regularly.

Regarding trying something that scares you: it's not a physical challenge, but a mental one. I've been oil painting for years, and now I have started my own business. Very scary stuff for me, but also very exciting.

Thank you for this article and the links to the others.

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Thank you so much for writing this. I am 72 years old and have never had to take any prescription medicine. I attribute this to being a walker and healthy eater all my life. I like to say I can't stop moving everyday or I will seize up. I'm noticing that I need to be more flexible so I have signed up for yoga classes (free) at our local library.

I really appreciate your writing. Once again, thank you.

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Thank you back, Elizabeth (that’s my middle name)

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SO LOVE your submissions! Thank you Julia; you are a very real inspiration.

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thanks so much Kert!

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Sep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

I'll be 70 on my next birthday, and am in better shape now than 10 years ago. I'm a fall risk, so I do things to lessen the risk. This week, I took care of my son and his family. They all had covid. I've been vaccinated and didn't get it. The 2 children, 7 and 12 were a handful, but I wouldn't have been able to handle them before. Now, I watch my diet, exercise, and take care of myself. I mean to live to see the 7 year old graduate from college!

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The power of goals, Teresa. I am getting ready to write a few new ones myself!

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Good words of wisdom here, Julia!

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deletedSep 3Liked by JULIA HUBBEL
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That is how to do it, Bill. Thanks for your comment and please keep me informed!

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