Beautiful. As I sit at the hospital in my stretchy clothes waiting for a blood test, you make me love my plush body.

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Sep 27Liked by JULIA HUBBEL

Loved this! Every time I see another wrinkle, another fold, another weight gain I remind myself I look good for my nearly 67 years! There's always going to be thinner, heavier, prettier, less wrinkled, more wrinkled people our age(s). We need to embrace our individual beauty. We look damned good as we are!👍❤️

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Julia...you are a beautiful writer. Your post really resonated with me.

Most of us spend a lifetime comparing our body to others. Or, should I wear this or that? For what?

Two summers ago I bought a soft-colored, light violet, straw-hat (to protect my already super wrinkled face) at the Dollar Store. I lost my courage to wear it....but eventually started going out with it. Cause, you know, really, who gives a F***!

You can't imagine all the compliments I get when I wear that hat. The first time I wore it, I got 3 compliments before I made it out of my building. HAHAHA

As it turns out, this hat has become a great source of glimmers for me. Glimmers - when I get a big kick out of something - take time to really, really, absorb it - and then, replay it in my mind later and laugh all over again.

I'm going to play now...might even buy a flowered dress!

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So many thanks, Lise. May I kindly quote you?

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How flattering! Another good glimmer to start my day. Of course, yes!

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A truly wonderful article, thank you!💕

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Sonja is beautiful, and your post is really excellent and thought-provoking. At times, I've been really hard on myself for having such a difficult time losing weight. It probably comes from my fat-shaming family. I love your prompt question: How are you already perfect? This is a difficult one to answer. I think I am perfect in my imperfection. I even wrote a post on embracing imperfection. No one is perfect, so we should accept our imperfect minds and bodies.

Thank you for this post!

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Writing to my heart. Particularly feeling desperate for love in the family but never achieving perfection. Now approaching 74 with my social engagements being the gastroenterologist on Monday and the hematologist/oncologist Friday. But I can still refuse to weigh in wearing street clothes so there’s that!

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I enjoyed reading this post. It really resonated with me. Most of my life I was slightly overweight but now at 71 I am slightly underweight, which makes me feel a bit fragile. All so silly to have been so worried about a bit of weight all those years!

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